About Alicia Sangeeta

I was born in England and grew up in Germany. Music has always been a part of my life which has been growing together with me. I took piano and singing lessons when I was growing up and always felt a big passion for it. When I was 18 I started writing my own songs and posted my first song on YouTube in 2020 named: “Storm of light”.

I started to explore how I want to share my music and also most importantly what was my goal in doing so?

I felt a strong calling to connect with people and share what was in my heart. I figured out that I wanted to share peace and light through my music and started to create a vision within myself of being a channel for light flowing through me as sound.

I connected with another musician with a similar vision of sharing goodness through music in 2022. (Stefan Ehlen) With my vision from then on becoming stronger it was only a matter of time until more musicians joined us for this calling and the band “Herzoffen” (‘Open heart’) was created. We gave our first concert on the 12th of June 2022 with three more concerts following that same year.

Instagram: @bandherzoffen YouTube: @herzoffen

Since then I have held concerts together with my band in Germany (around Mainz) and also in Sweden.

I have been holding my own gatherings of Mantra singing (since 2023) and Singing circles.

Now I want to expand my vision even further and see where my music as an artist leads me. I welcome you with an open heart to follow me along this journey!

Contact Me

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly. I can’t wait to hear from you!